June 4 Day 24

162 Toe Nails

Time to do puppy nails again.  It's getting more difficult since the hair on the feet is growing and now getting snagged in the nail clipper.  For the most part the puppies don't even know I'm doing it.  When they were smaller I was able to do it while they nursed.  Of course the whole idea there was to clip nails and manipulate feet while they were getting the positive reinforcement of nursing.  Now they're too squirmy and big so I take them into my lap for the process.  

You can see that the tips are white.  The nails are white at birth and slowly turn black.

Some breeders say that if the nails are all white than the  puppy will be silver.  Almost all the puppies in the litter had white nails... ironically the only one who didn't was Blaze who is definitely going to be silver ;^)
Guess what else we can start counting?

Mica continues to be enthralled by the puppers and Nickel continues to place herself between them.  I don't blame her at all since he's such a big boy, but he has been showing lovely control and surprising body awareness when he's around them.  He usually lays down when he interacts without them.  I had to teach this to Eureka but Mica seems to do it naturally.  He loves to lick their  faces... it's very sweet.

We finished our day by taking comparison shots-  Here's Three Weeks:


And an assortment of other pictures.....

1 comment:

  1. they are getting so big so fast. it's cute to see Mica playing with the pup. he ( Mica) is very big now too. lucky Diana, getting a pup. they are all going to be exceptional. how could they not be?!
